My life is all about the TV lately.
GIlmore Girls
I love this show, but I honestly cannot deal with the demise of Luke and Lorelai. Was this how people felt about Luke and Laura from Y&R in the 80s?
Veronica Mars
Pretty good, but a little too much. It's like the writers got together and thought, "Hey! People like it when Veronica is sassy. If she's sassy sometime, that's good. If she's sassy ALL THE TIME, that will be freakin' awesome." Guys - it's not. Tone it down.
I'm totally into this new season. I love that the others were leading normal, book-club lives before the plane crashed on their little utopia, if that's what it is. What is going on? And why is Sawyer in a bear cage? And are those fish biscuits any good?
There is not a single girl in this season who looks like a model. Melrose looks borderline retarded. Megg is annoying as fuck. The twins are cool and skinny and all, but are not pretty. The only one I like, surprisingly, is Brooke. Bitch has personality and mad rhyming skills. As TH said, though: Hot cheerleader, not top model.
Good, but I'm not loving it as much as the first season. Can't really explain why. Kind of the same as the VM syndrome. I like her flakiness, but as an aspect of her personality. Not as the dominant component.
Lots o'potential. Not sure it's the best show ever made, as it's being reviewed. But we've got Michael C. Hall and Julie Benz engaged in uncomfortable, unemotional sex, so that's cool.
I'm not feeling lobster baby. Christian's sexuality is interesting. As is the idea of Kimber, Matt and the Scientologists. Sean is such a pussy - Julia has got to leave his ass. I hope she hooks up with the little person nurse. That'd be sextacular.
Grey's Anatomy
I wish Meredith would die. Can we introduce a Buffyesque moment and trade Meredith's soul for Denny Duquette's? I loved him. Sexiest inpatient in memory. I really like this cast, but Meredith is pathetic and uninteresting and I don't buy all these dudes wanting to get into her scrubs.
The Nine
I'm watching it right now, but obviously not too intently seeing as I'm writing all this shit. Looks pretty good, though. I like how after they're released the vegetarian chick wants bacon. I love when veggies convert back to their carnivorous nature.
This is all the TV I'm watching and it's a lot and the burden is heavy, but I'm standing tall under the weight and I will continue to watch as much TV as humanly possible and every day, say a little prayer of thanks to whatever diety I'm worshipping that day, for providing the world, and me specifically, with the beauty and magic of DVR.