Saturday, February 25, 2006

It's a Girl! And a Girl!

I'm happy to report new additions to the household. This morning I adopted two as yet unnamed kitties from a local rescue shelter.

Mom is only about 15 months old and baby is 5 months. They are both completely sweet and adorable. Mom is a little more standoffish, but affectionate nonetheless. Baby is a little ham who purrs like nobody's business.

These are pictures from their rescue website: SaveKitty. They're a little outdated. As soon as they settle in a bit I'll post some current pics and their names.

By the way, if anyone has ideas for names, please share! Their shelter names are for Mom: Clodagh, and for baby: Hayley. I can deal with Clodagh, which I'd probably shorten to Claude (I like giving girl cats boy names), but I cannot deal with Hayley. I'm leaning toward Monkey, cause she jumps around like one. I'm going to hold off on finalizing their names until their personalities present a little more thoroughly, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Monkey.