Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Cable T.V.

I imagine that title sung to the tune of the Nextel commercial when the customers tell the store worker guy that they should make a bigger deal about the super awesome nighttime minutes starting at 7 dealio, and some other dude steps up and sings, "7 P M!" all operatic and shit, because that's how I feel about my super awesome back to school idea of getting myself hooked up with the magic of cable television.

Cable TV, baby!

I hasn't happened yet. Dude comes tomorrow morning between 8 and 10 AM. I can see suddenly not feeling so well (cough cough) and needing to take it easy (sniff sniff) and not wanting to go into the office and get everybody else sick (because I'm such a considerate person). If that happens, I don't know if that will make me officially lamer than lame or the coolest effin chica on el planeto earto. I'm going with the latter.

My coworkers took me out to Big Bowl, which is a decent chinese/thai-like restaurant at the mall, best known for its stir fry bar. You order your meat, sauce, and base from the server and pick your veggie concoction out for yourself at the bar. People dig this concept and find it completely yummy, but I was too lazy and couldn't be bothered so ordered pad thai off the menu. Eight hours later, I'm still regretting this decision. Ugh. Since when does pad thai have a heavy brown sauce? This was pretty universal in NYC, but the TC consistently offers up some pretty authentic thai. I guess chinese/thai-like restaurants at the mall do not subscribe to the same authentication process as the little dive restaurants in St. P. Alas.

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