Saturday, September 16, 2006


I learned tonight that when you are sick and you don't know what end it's going to come out of and it comes out of both, that's a #3. When you are crying while this is happening, that's a #4. And that pretty much sums up my week.

I eat a lot of salad and my base of choice is spinach. I probably have 3-4 spinach salads per week. Last week was no different. I'm not saying for sure that I was infected by the e. coli, but I eat a lot of bagged spinach and I spent a lot of this week in the bathroom, sicker than I've ever been, and alls I'm saying is there might be a connection.

Betrayed by spinach. Who would have thunk it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you've contacted the CDC.