Sunday, October 15, 2006

MySpace Rejection!

I had to create a MySpace page for a VH1 reality show back in my old job and as a result, set up a MySpace page for myself that I rarely use. I checked it today and noticed that this guy I was friends with in NY has de-friended me.

What the hell?

Granted, we weren't BFF or anything, but I can't imagine he would be feeling such animosity toward me that he would have to go to the trouble of de-friending me. It's not like there's a lot of active responsibility in maintaining a MySpace friendship. Last time I checked, the MySpace databases pretty much took care of it all.

While I'm not upset about being de-friended by this specific person, I'm a little hurt by the idea of it. What did I do? I haven't talked to the dude since the spring. I checked his page and he has 99 friends, so maybe he has a 100 friend quota and I was expendable?

It's strange, because I could have never had another thought about this person (he wasn't a close friend or anything), but now that I've been de-friended I really want to ask him why he felt it necessary to take this step. I'm just curious.

Will I contact him? No. Will I ever know why I was MySpace de-friended? Probably not. Will the pain ever subside? I can only hope. Just so long as Tom doesn't reject me, I'll be ok.

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