Monday, March 27, 2006


Somehow, while I was out of town, the kitties were unable to access their litterbox and a shitstorm ensued.

As a result of this, I would like to kill myself, but apparently, were I to do that, god would be displeased with me.

I am currently living in an outhouse. I got home last night at 11:00 and was up until around 4:00 am tracking down and cleaning up the poo. Today I disinfected the apartment and disembowled the kitties as punishment.

I did not disembowel the kitties. They would be completely right in punishing me, as it's ultimately my responsibility to make the litterbox fully accessible to them. I guess the poo bombs I encountered in nearly every nook and cranny of my apartment are punishment enough. God, I hope so.

I want this cat.

When google image searching "cat poop," one comes across unexpectedly magical things, like this and this. Anyone who eats this deserves to be killed. Painfully.


Anonymous said...

I pick up some pretty frickin huge dog poo and that picture is still really disgusting.

Would it be appropriate to bring the cat poo snacks to a work function? The presentation is fantastic!


1734106 said...

You're killing me here LA. The thought of these critters living in my house is driving me to xanex - seriously. Let's kick up the apartment search several notches to high gear.

LA said...

Trust me, their inability to access the litterbox was driving them to xanax. Given the option, kitties will always choose the box.

LA said...

KPW - poo not real. Fake poo.