Friday, March 03, 2006

Name Me

This is ridiculous. This poor little kitty is still sans name and I am out of ideas. Please leave your suggestions in the comments. The person who submits that name I select will be rewarded with the satisfaction of a job well done. And $5.


Anonymous said...


1734106 said...

Skittles, Ms. Andersen, Punky, teets, Uhura, C-A-T (see ay tee).

Anonymous said...

Dude or Henry or Jabberwocky or Scat Cat... or simply Scat.

Anonymous said...

More cat name suggestions:

Lola, Pimp Juice, Cosmo, Diablo, Ms. Teedles, Bransby, Phil, Boo Boo, Donkey, Baby.

Any of these work???