Tuesday, February 28, 2006


The cats are starting to get comfortable and I almost wish we could get back to the formality of their first days.

Claude (I've settled on Claude for mom - baby is still nameless so keep the suggestions coming) is sucking one of the pads of her feet. Enthusiastically. It's noisy and kind of freaking me out. I'm wondering what other strange habits are going to present themselves as they get more and more comfortable in my presence. I have fear.


1734106 said...

Hands down this is the most disgusting thing ever. Animals are gross.

Anonymous said...

More names: Ida, Dave, Da Bomb, Miss Sugarpants, Bill, Guadalupe, Tank (did I already suggest this?), Dillholl, Darth, Caddie (as in Woodlawn; did you ever read that book?), Sam, Diane, Norm, Cliff...okay, stopping now. Bruce? Keith?

I'm totally sold on Heidi Klum though. Especially if your cat has a high chirpy voice, which I'm guessing it does.

When are you rollin into town, again?