Sunday, February 19, 2006

I Watch TV

When Stewie went to Hollywood to punch Will Farrell on tonight's Family Guy, I almost peed my pants. I hate Will Farrell. Because he's not funny. Said hatred has actually caused problems in my personal relationships. I'm happy to know that I've at least got Stewie on my side.

"That's not funny." Definite high point of my television watching evening.

Low point? Fucking Meredith Grey. Why didn't they kill her off when they had the chance? It's such a great show, but for her. She is the least sympathetic character in the history of television. Perhaps even moreso than Ally McBeal, because you were at least supposed to recognize that Ally was incomparably (until now) shallow and self-involved. We're actually supposed to think that Meredith is a good person. She is not good. She is not interesting. She just sucks.

I don't feel bad for George for getting his feelings stomped on when Meredith invariably disses him because he shouldn't be in love with her. What's to love? Especially when you have the cute, curvaceous, and frequently half-naked Izzy in your house. To love the scrawny, whiny, Meredith means you deserve you exactly what you get: bad, bony sex with a self-important bitch who has no regard for your feelings because, quite frankly, her feelings are more important than yours.



Anonymous said...

Conversation between two JCrew employees:

size 0 girl folding shirts: Oh my god, did you watch Grey's Anatomy last night?

pretty boy folding shirts: No.

girl: really, you didn't watch?

boy: I've never seen it.

girl: oh my god, it's my reason for living. I guess I can't talk about it with you then. Last night was SOOOOO good.

Reason for living?

George never telling Meredith he loves her is central to the show. I felt like the moment Meredith took his shirt off was the moment GA jumped the shark. Unless it was all a dream (which we know it isn't from seeing next week's scenes). Can a show jump the shark in its first season?


1734106 said...

Will Farrell has defined a generation's humor and warmed the hearts of countless Americans in this time of struggle and War. I am angry with you for hating him. I thought we were on the same page here. The man is a GOD.