Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Ok, I'm not really full of inexplicable rage. It's completely explicable.

I feel like I'm always on the verge of pissed off since I moved to NYC. There's a lot to piss you off here. People walk slow and they're all on cell phones and not watching where they're going and they cut you off and don't even notice and when you're walking behind them it's like they anticipate your every move and you are completely unable to get past them regardless of how you bob and weave. Sidewalk Rage!

I was so happy not to drive anymore since I have a tendency toward road rage. Now I have sidewalk rage. I think I should live in a cabin in Montana.

Rage is so extreme. I'm not full of rage. I'm just full of piss(ed off).


The cats are starting to get comfortable and I almost wish we could get back to the formality of their first days.

Claude (I've settled on Claude for mom - baby is still nameless so keep the suggestions coming) is sucking one of the pads of her feet. Enthusiastically. It's noisy and kind of freaking me out. I'm wondering what other strange habits are going to present themselves as they get more and more comfortable in my presence. I have fear.


I am full of inexplicable rage.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Not a Cat Blog

P.S. This is not turning into a cat blog. My life is just all about kitties these days.

Cat Update

I think I adopted two kitties yesterday, but I haven't actually seen them yet today. Hmmm. Timid little things.

I'm pretty well settled on Claude for mom. I like it.

Still no idea about baby. She's way hyperactive and skittish, kind of like a meth freak. Can I call her Meth?

I'm going to take some pictures if they ever come out.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

It's a Girl! And a Girl!

I'm happy to report new additions to the household. This morning I adopted two as yet unnamed kitties from a local rescue shelter.

Mom is only about 15 months old and baby is 5 months. They are both completely sweet and adorable. Mom is a little more standoffish, but affectionate nonetheless. Baby is a little ham who purrs like nobody's business.

These are pictures from their rescue website: SaveKitty. They're a little outdated. As soon as they settle in a bit I'll post some current pics and their names.

By the way, if anyone has ideas for names, please share! Their shelter names are for Mom: Clodagh, and for baby: Hayley. I can deal with Clodagh, which I'd probably shorten to Claude (I like giving girl cats boy names), but I cannot deal with Hayley. I'm leaning toward Monkey, cause she jumps around like one. I'm going to hold off on finalizing their names until their personalities present a little more thoroughly, though.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

More Kitty

Today has been a very hard day. I had to put my nearly 20 year old cat to sleep last night. eliot has been with me since I was 12 and I really don't remember life without her.

My apartment feels very quiet and still without her and I keep catching glimpses of her out of the corner of my eye.

I didn't how much her presence informed my routine until she wasn't there. When I walk in the apartment, I automatically look to the two places she usually is. When I sit down to eat I brace myself for the onslaught of plaintive mews and unabashed begging I always eventually give in to. When I sit down to type, I never cross my legs because she loves to sit on my lap and an uncrossed lap is more to her liking. When I get out of bed in the morning, I do so carefully, so not to disturb her.

The little sounds I hear around the apartment I could always attribute to her. Like the specific sound her little paws would make when she would jump down from a high surface. Or the click of her claws when she walked on the hardwood floors.

And the conversations we had. I never realized how much I talked to her. It was an ongoing, probably tiresome monologue about the events of my day and how cute she is. She's really freakin cute and I couldn't go long without cooing about it to her.

Now it's just quiet.

eliot was such a good cat. She had attitude and personality and she only accepted affection on her terms. She always greeted me at the door and slept next to or on me and sat with me and gave me head massages. There couldn't be a better cat.

I'm happy I had so long with her, but I miss the fuck out of her already.


Paris is Dirty

Everyone knows that Paris is dirty. I didn't know that she was literally dirty. What's up with the shit all over her dress? And why is she showing it off?

Monday, February 20, 2006

Best Cat Ever

I can't begin to convey the sadness I'm feeling today as I had to say good-bye to my best friend and companion, eliot. I love her and I miss her.

She was just shy of her 20th birthday and she had a good life and I had a good life with her

Sunday, February 19, 2006

I Watch TV

When Stewie went to Hollywood to punch Will Farrell on tonight's Family Guy, I almost peed my pants. I hate Will Farrell. Because he's not funny. Said hatred has actually caused problems in my personal relationships. I'm happy to know that I've at least got Stewie on my side.

"That's not funny." Definite high point of my television watching evening.

Low point? Fucking Meredith Grey. Why didn't they kill her off when they had the chance? It's such a great show, but for her. She is the least sympathetic character in the history of television. Perhaps even moreso than Ally McBeal, because you were at least supposed to recognize that Ally was incomparably (until now) shallow and self-involved. We're actually supposed to think that Meredith is a good person. She is not good. She is not interesting. She just sucks.

I don't feel bad for George for getting his feelings stomped on when Meredith invariably disses him because he shouldn't be in love with her. What's to love? Especially when you have the cute, curvaceous, and frequently half-naked Izzy in your house. To love the scrawny, whiny, Meredith means you deserve you exactly what you get: bad, bony sex with a self-important bitch who has no regard for your feelings because, quite frankly, her feelings are more important than yours.


Sunday, February 12, 2006

I Market

When people ask me what I do, I never know what to say. I work in marketing. I market.

The lovely BK sent me a link to huhcorp. I couldn't have said it better myself.

Bad Blogger Revisited Redux


I keep meaning to be a better blogger, but then I realize that my last bit of inanity was posted one month ago. Shit.

Holy Shit.

We are being D.U.M.P.E.D. on at the moment. 24" of premium snow. Do you have any idea what the street value of this storm is???

My second Noreaster. I ventured out earlier and it was lovely. I saw a dude riding down Ditmars on a snowmobile. Who the hell in Astoria has a snowmobile? That dude, apparently.

I'll take pics to post later. I (heart) snow.