Sunday, April 17, 2005

What Debra Winger, Barbara Hershey and Kevin Costner have in common

I get sad when they die.

I engaged in a minor experiment yesterday that has rendered me essentially useless all weekend long. I happened upon Terms of Endearment about 3/4 of the way through and thought to myself, "I wonder if this will make me cry, having missed the first 75% of the movie?" The answer to this question was a resounding Yes.

What is it about this movie? Not only did I sob uncontrollably for the final 25 minutes, but continued to do so long after the movie ended and proceeded to revisit this inconsolable state ever hour or so.

Is this normal? Is there something very, very wrong with me?


Other movies that have made me cry:

Beaches (I wish it weren't so)
A Perfect World (totally underrated movie with Kevin Costner)

Can't think of anything else off the top of my head. Lots of movies have made me tear up, or whimper a little, but these have all made me cry like a little girl with a broken easy bake oven.


Anonymous said...

Holy crap, Laura!

Terms of Endearment made me sob like a baby when I watched it at age 14. I was at a slumber party for a friend's birthday. Eight girls watching the movie and we all cried our eyes out. It's a vivis memory. You are not alone!

Beaches made me want to sob uncontrolably when I saw it in the theater, however I was with my parents and pressed down my emotions so I woudn't walk out of the theater like a blubbering idiot.

Haven't seen the Kevin Costner flick you mention.

Another movie that has made me cry: Life is Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

ooooh, Steel Magnolias. A classic "i need a cry" movie for me.

LA said...

Who are these anonymous posters?

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