Monday, February 14, 2005

Happy Valentine's Day

It seems that I'm always single on Valentine's Day and this year is no different.

My best and most active Valentine's Day was back in 1990 when I was 15 and dating Mike "Fuckin' A" Hepp. Dating is a strong word, as I'm not sure we said more than 4 words to each other and there was zero exchange of body fluids.

Mr. "Fuckin' A" showed up at my door with a pack of Marlboros wrapped in a red ribbon and we proceeded to silently cruise Main St of the bleak and charmless town of Lake Mills, WI. Silently, but for the Metallica blaring from the car stereo.

Ahhh, memories.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can remember two V-days where I was not single and was actually in the same city with my boyf. On one of those occasions we were in NYC and I ate so much Indian food I really thought I was going to vomit. When I stood up from the table I was like, wuh, I gotta go to the bathroom, because my esophagus was packed full of food. Then on another V-day we were in Mpls and he handed me a little box at dinner. A little box! And guess what was inside? A Leatherman Micra pocket tool engraved with our initials. Actually, that was a pretty fuckin great night.