Sunday, May 15, 2005


A friend of mine got sick of my love and devotion to her B1, so she gave him to me! For those of you unfamiliar, please allow me to introduce you to B1 (not to be confused with B2), part of the sexually ambiguous duo of the Bananas in Pyjamas


Bananas in Pyjamas was an insanely good children's television show that was on while I got ready for work when I lived in Miami. I'd almost forgotten about its existence.

Speaking of Bananas, what the hell is up with Gwen Stefani? Her new song is so bad and everyone keeps showering her every move and maneuver with praise and accolades. She's crazy and has everyone convinced that she's not only cool, but cutting-edge and trendsetting. I don't get it. If you want to hear some kick-ass playground chanting power pop, check out The Go! Team. Huddle Formation puts Hollaback Girl to serious shame.

Dominick Dunne is short

I saw Dominick Dunne at 53rd and 3rd. Boy is he short. I'd say no more than 5'4".


I find this man really annoying, but be talks about NY as if he owns the place, so it was good to see him out and about.

UPDATE: Dominick Dunne is a columnist for Vanity Fair and has a show on Court TV. His shtick is to follow celebrity trials. Learn more about the man, the myth, the shortie here.