Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Bad Blogger, cont.

The bad blogging continues.

But the plague has passed, no marburg virus on the horizon, familial obligations have been fulfilled. From here on out, it's smooth sailing.

Just one good night of sleep and I'll be right back on top of my blogging game.

In the meantime, here's some unnecessary information from my interweb travels:

Beck is a Scientologist

Ben Kingsley wants to sleep with Winona Ryder

I'm addicted to these expensive little bitches

Monday, March 21, 2005

Bad, bad blogger

I'm a bad blogger.

I started a new job two weeks ago and immediately contracted the plague (ok, it's probably just a cold) which is, ahem, plaguing me. As a result, I am very tired. Too tired to blog.

I'm sure that once I recover I'll be back to my super-blogging self. Ok, I was never a super-blogger. It's good I have negligible audience.

For those of you who do bother to visit me, thank you and I apologize for my laziness. Once the plague has passed, I will post again.

If you are in need of entertainment, visit SF Gate and look at the Day in Pictures (DIP). I look forward to it every day and it never lets me down.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

My Favorite Borough

I went to Staten Island this morning for a client meeting (because I have a job now) and quickly discovered that Staten Island kicks ass. Why, you may ask?

One word: chicken.

This photo was taken this morning in the parking lot of the company I was visiting. Why was there a chicken there? Was it a frequent visitor? Was it wild? I don't know. What I do know is that Staten Island is my new favorite borough.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

If I wasn't going to hell already . . .

Just in time for St. Patrick's Day, it's Holiday Jesus Dress Up!

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Celebrity Sighting Part II

Apparently a lot of celebrities live in NYC. Who knew?

I was fortunate enough to ride the subway for all of 15 minutes with the lovely Yoanna House, winner of America's Next Top Model, season 2. She had her portfolio with her, so she appeared to be a working model. I'm glad for her, because seeing Adrienne Curry on The Surreal Life is surreally sad.


I like her, but she always seemed a little startled. This was true in person as well. Also, she had an ipod mini. You'd think a big important model would have a real ipod. She probably got it as a gift for attending some stupid event. Why do rich and undeserving people get all the free stuff? That's a conversation for another time.

Seven Days

I'm worried that Eliot watched that creepy video from the Ring. You know, the one that kills you in seven days. I took a picture of her last night and it turned out like this.


If she dies next week, I'm going to be pissed. And a little scared.